Cylee Thoughts

Remnants from a mentally confused mind

Monday, July 30, 2007

Decision making

Friends seems to be leaving one by one to work overseas, be it taking a big pay cut for traineeships, or already having a secured job in another country. Me, I’m still stuck slogging on this little island country.

Working in another country has been something I always wanted, but which is something I seems to lack the opportunity to do so. Can the truth be perhaps I lack the courage to step out? I don’t know. What I do know, I’ll meet with greater resistance from my mother than the Nazis met from the entire Europe. Family chains seriously rooting me to Singapore, or am I just drumming up excuses to cover the weakening flame of my desire? I can no longer distinguish them clearly.

It is kind of depressing, and even more so when I start comparing my low pay and long hours to my peers. With the Government sector making a relatively good upwards pay adjustment, promoting work-life balance and making it official service sector is doing very well but still one of the poorly paid, and still no hint of any sunshine in the far horizon from my company, I must say I’m getting tired.

Perhaps as I grow older, my priorities have changed. Low pay, especially when almost any fresh graduates can get much better than me, is becoming a bane. Even though friends like David are not pointing a flamethrower at my pockets so regularly, I now have my own little lighter which still burns my pockets pretty well, albeit a much weaker flame.

Is it more my company or is it more the nature of my job? If it’s my company, I can jolly well jump ship. If it’s the nature of my job, what other jobs are around where I can manage people, plan budgets, handle projects, involve in operations and stay out of the office chair?

With six more months before my bond ends, I still haven’t got the faintest idea what to do. Sighs. Decisions, decisions.
posted by Cylee at 8:47 am I