Cylee Thoughts

Remnants from a mentally confused mind

Friday, October 13, 2006


Feedback Unit.

A simple and straightforward name. Conventional as it sound, there is no way of misunderstanding what function it performs.

Now with its grand revamp, it is call REACH - Reaching Everybody for Active Citizenry @ Home. Wow, what a mouthful.

Now, I understand the need for the restructuring and an image revamp. For a unit which act as a communication channel between the government and the people through, what else but feedbacks from the citizens, it has not really made much of an impact with the population at large. This change is long overdue.

I even understand the need for a change of name since it no longer is contented with just receiving feedbacks (one-way) but wants to engage Singaporeans in discussions (two-ways) and activating changes.

But Reaching Everybody for Active Citizenry @ Home? Somehow, it just makes me cringe. It sounded too fancy pansy, too slick. And hey hey, abbreviate it and it becomes REACH!

Now I can accept true blue abbreviation like LTA, HDB, MRT etc. However, when you have a long name that abbreviates into a word which tries to convey a message, it can either be a very smart play of words or plain goosebumps inducing.

In this case, I will vote for the latter.

I will go further and make the bold deduction that over time, most will remember REACH, but few will know it is an abbreviation and what it stands for. I will not even be surprise if people still refer to it as the Feedback Unit.

Maybe that will be the first piece of 'active engagement' I will give them.

Oh, by the way, I ama guy who is handy, articulate, nice, diligent, suave, observant, mature and efficient. It is okay if cannot remember all. I will understand. Just call me HANDSOME.
posted by Cylee at 11:02 pm I