Resolutions and promises, many people make them at the start of a new year. I don’t. I never did and will never do.
The reason is simple. I know I’ll never get it done, especially if it’s something that requires consistency, like exercising every alternate days (as if I’m a nuclear reactor with so much energy), going on a hot date weekly (it’s tough getting just a normal date quarterly already!) or even simply eating healthy (got to check up that word in the dictionary).
It’s kind of like a vitamin D deficiency in me. D for discipline.
A check with friends who make New Year resolutions shows that they achieved a return yield that’s far better than any investment funds one can get with their CPF monies. A yield of failures to mark the bull’s eye of their resolutions that is. But like a drug addict who can’t go cold turkey, they make a list yearly anyway.
And then you get the kind that tries to weasel out of the good made in their resolutions. Like my dear friend J. She has a perennial resolution to lose weight. Specific weight, specific timeline are given. Good target making. Good reasons behind it also, to be healthier, look slimmer yadda yadda. Only thing is, she blissfully ignored to close a weasel hole. She didn’t state she can’t gain weight back. She might have completed her resolution of losing 5kg in 5 months, but she could have eaten Godzilla and gain 10kg in same period, without reneging on her resolution!
So to really do a good resolution (remember the root word is resolve), it needs to be detailed as well. Close all the weasel holes, lock them, seal them up and bury them under a mountain of rubbish. Otherwise, rubbish resolve is what’s achieved.
And again, my vitamin D deficiency comes in. D for detailed.
It seems like I’m just a walking container for vitamin D deficiency. No resolutions, no goals, no targets to aim for the year. So what do I look forward to?
Well, plenty actually. Like revising my 2 short 1 long vacations policy to just 2 long trips (Japan being a late year target), getting a pay increment either by kneeling on a cactus and begging my boss or simply get a new job, not having to rob a bank just to fill the red packets I’m giving out to my friends who are getting married this year etc.
So what’s the difference between these and resolutions, promises, targets and other synonym?
Big difference. I can forget about them anytime without feeling hard on myself. Those are good to have/be/do but not required. No resolve needed. Just perfect for a vitamin D deficient person like me.
What can I say? I’m not very determined. Now that’s another D.
The reason is simple. I know I’ll never get it done, especially if it’s something that requires consistency, like exercising every alternate days (as if I’m a nuclear reactor with so much energy), going on a hot date weekly (it’s tough getting just a normal date quarterly already!) or even simply eating healthy (got to check up that word in the dictionary).
It’s kind of like a vitamin D deficiency in me. D for discipline.
A check with friends who make New Year resolutions shows that they achieved a return yield that’s far better than any investment funds one can get with their CPF monies. A yield of failures to mark the bull’s eye of their resolutions that is. But like a drug addict who can’t go cold turkey, they make a list yearly anyway.
And then you get the kind that tries to weasel out of the good made in their resolutions. Like my dear friend J. She has a perennial resolution to lose weight. Specific weight, specific timeline are given. Good target making. Good reasons behind it also, to be healthier, look slimmer yadda yadda. Only thing is, she blissfully ignored to close a weasel hole. She didn’t state she can’t gain weight back. She might have completed her resolution of losing 5kg in 5 months, but she could have eaten Godzilla and gain 10kg in same period, without reneging on her resolution!
So to really do a good resolution (remember the root word is resolve), it needs to be detailed as well. Close all the weasel holes, lock them, seal them up and bury them under a mountain of rubbish. Otherwise, rubbish resolve is what’s achieved.
And again, my vitamin D deficiency comes in. D for detailed.
It seems like I’m just a walking container for vitamin D deficiency. No resolutions, no goals, no targets to aim for the year. So what do I look forward to?
Well, plenty actually. Like revising my 2 short 1 long vacations policy to just 2 long trips (Japan being a late year target), getting a pay increment either by kneeling on a cactus and begging my boss or simply get a new job, not having to rob a bank just to fill the red packets I’m giving out to my friends who are getting married this year etc.
So what’s the difference between these and resolutions, promises, targets and other synonym?
Big difference. I can forget about them anytime without feeling hard on myself. Those are good to have/be/do but not required. No resolve needed. Just perfect for a vitamin D deficient person like me.
What can I say? I’m not very determined. Now that’s another D.
posted by Cylee at
10:17 pm I