Cylee Thoughts

Remnants from a mentally confused mind

Thursday, September 11, 2008

My fault

If there's one major fault of mine to be said, I would say I've a very poor sense of timing relative to my friends.

For example, when they say meet at 3pm, I'll turn up at 2.55pm and I'll only see them half an hour later. Over time, I learned to be smarter. When they say a certain timing, I'll leave wherever I may be 15 minutes later than I need to. However, smarts doesn't seems to be a factor when it comes to timing. Somehow, I'll still reach the destination much earlier than I'd planned to be late. Time seems to be having fun working against me.

A recent case would be earlier this week, I was suppose to meet my colleagues at 6.30pm. I knew they'll be late and usually it takes me 45 minutes to get to where I'm meeting them. I purposely left home 15 minutes later than necessary, at least if I'm late, I'm not that late. But if I'm early, I won't have to wait so long.

Somehow or rather, I reached there at 6.35pm. Just a pathetic 5 minutes late, even though I left home 15 minutes late. I didn't walk particularly fast (in fact at a much slower pace) and the MRT wasn't that quick as well. Did my watch slowed by 10 minutes during that 45 minutes journey, or did I just walked through a time warp?

No points for guessing, I was the first to arrive and had to wait 30 minutes for them to come.

Today was even more fantastic. I was supposed to meet Ms LY at 11.40am. Again, I had purposely placed the time a little earlier than required AND I had left home later. You'll think with a 2 tier insurance I'll be safe. Well, I still walked through another time warp and reached there on the dot! Best thing was, I got a call from her at that time informing me she just woke up!

Sighs. I think I'll need a degree course in lateness. I'm just helpless and useless at this. I wonder how much of my life have been wasted away by these waitings.

Youth don't last guys (and gals). Don't waste it away, especially when it belongs to me.

By the way, had shifted my new alternate blog to Wordpress and renamed 'Roaming Around' .
posted by Cylee at 6:25 pm I