Cylee Thoughts

Remnants from a mentally confused mind

Saturday, February 07, 2009


Spent my last day in Ipoh old town walking around. One thing that struck me is the many defunct standalone cinemas.

While it's true that standalone cinemas have limited capacity and entertainment variety (as most have maximum of 2 theatres, hence maximum of 2 films shown at any point), I do find them to have certain allure.

Rex Cinema DSC_0808

DSC_0838 DSC_0847
Rex, Ruby, Majectic and Kargo

Being in a standalone building kind of makes it exclusive entertainment. The leather/PVC bound seats and wide leg space are luxury of the times.

I remember going to one of these standalone cinemas when I was young. There was no such thing as electronic ticketing and once you queued up, you select your seat from a big ledger of seating plan for that particular movie or a particular time slot. Occupied seats would be crossed out.

Seat numbers would then be written on the tickets and torn from its perforated edge. To get into the theatre, you hand your tickets over to the usher who would tear off a portion. Then you would be allow through the thick black velvet curtain into another world.

If you were late, the usher would lead you in with a torchlight to your seat. Talk about good service.

Line up

At the carpark gantry to Pasar Besar Ipoh. Why would someone want to hang laundry on a carpark gantry bar with pigeons? Unless to make the perching point more comfy. Guess only 2 pigeons can afford the VIP spots.

posted by Cylee at 7:42 pm I