Cylee Thoughts

Remnants from a mentally confused mind

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Sand* + Castle

After visiting Kellie's Castle, we went to Tronoh to drop our chaperon off. Apparently, I'd been certified sane and safe to be around.

I was given a tour of the sand factory next to the family house by a lady with a yellow umbrella.

From the Introduction to Sand Factory course given on site, sand are imported from overseas and seived and sorted according to their grades (super fine, fine, coarse) at the sand factory before sale.

Despite the ancient machinery, things are pretty automated and there were only 2 workers around.


From what we could figure out (a missing chapter in the introduction), the imported sand is loaded into a container which slowly trickles the sand onto a belt. The belt will move the sand and deposits it into a revolving drum with water.

After getting tumbled within the drum, the sand gets filtered and wala, coarse sand gets filtered out (in this instance). The graded sand is then put in a bag and left out to dry. Interesting.

The Lady with a Yellow Umbrella

posted by Cylee at 11:04 pm I