Cylee Thoughts

Remnants from a mentally confused mind

Saturday, March 14, 2009

When The Sun Shines

Ahh…another weekend free. The rain has stopped, the sun is out and the birds are chirping. Yup, the birds here definitely seems happier than those in Sg. Then again, they might be complaining for all I know.

Spring seems to be at the doorstep, even though the temperature appears to be see-sawing like the stock market.

The only issue? The sun is already high up shining on my ass by 6am. I should have closed my curtains. Oh well, I’m awake means I’m awake.

Morning exercise

Did a bit of housekeeping (the collection of dust here is ridiculously fast despite having all the windows shut), went for breakfast, then to the market and bought some veggies. Yes, I’m determined to use my pot and pan this weekend.

Now, I need to decide where to go later and tomorrow. Dreamland does sound nice.
posted by Cylee at 7:53 am I