Cylee Thoughts

Remnants from a mentally confused mind

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Moving In

Today I almost did not move into my apartment. They informed that it was ready, but when I reached, they were still cleaning up for me and there was some issues with the water meter. I’ve no energy and water card, although they had charged up the meter by some prior to my arrival. Hopefully, the water doesn’t stop midway through my shower. Then again, I doubt I’ll be taking too long a shower since the heater is not on yet.

Despite the lack of heating, TV and internet, I moved in. It’s not really that cold actually and I have my books and laptop. My apartment is in Suzhou East, East of the Jin Ji (Golden Chicken) River. Don’t ask me for the origin of the name, because nobody I asked seems to know.

It’s a new town that’s still building up. Infrastructure wise is still not as developed as Suzhou West. But it’s quiet and peaceful and I love it. Oh, did I say I love my apartment too? It’s so new the plastic wrappings are still over the sofa, TV and beds. Quite a nice décor as well.

While waiting for them to clean up and fix the water meter, I spent the time buying stuff (pot, pan, cutlery, beddings) for my apartment with the company driver at Auchan in Suzhou West. Auchan is like Carrefour (which they have here as well), and it’s almost endless (think 3 times size of a floor of Suntec’s Carrefour all on a single floor) and needless to say, thronging with people.

It was almost 5pm by the time I moved in. Spent the next 2 hours plus doing the dreaded task of unpacking and arranging my items. Oh, why did I have to pack so much? And now, I still have lots of clothes to iron. Well, maybe I’ll just iron one set for tomorrow will do.
posted by Cylee at 8:11 pm I