This rebuttal is supposed to come fast and fury straight after reading an entry on my friend’s blog. However, typical me, I sat on the issue like a mother hen warming her eggs before finally getting down to refute her contention.
In one of entries, she stated:
Ladies: Our bibles i.e. CLEO and Female are accurate. The article contributors and editors know what they are talking about. When you put more than 1 man together in an enclosed space, there are only 2 things they talk about: Cars and Women.
Obviously she doesn’t know that the ‘research’ these contributors and editors did before writing their articles are as thorough as the research I did for most of my term essays i.e. quick, haphazard and random, if any at all.
Sorry, Professors, you’d already given me ‘A’ grades and I’d graduated. It’s too late to take those grades back now. Thanks for being so gullible to think I would actually put in hours into my research though.
Maybe the contributors and editors are speaking from their own experiences. Maybe my friend as well, when she put forward that contention in her blog. If so, I pity them because they’d only met the most boring lot of the male population. Also, my friend evidently doesn’t know me and a few other common male friends well enough when she put that sweeping and unfair statement forward.
To avoid shooting myself in my own foot, I’m not going to defend all the men since I don’t know all of them. Rather, I’m going to speak of my experiences with my closest group of male friends. Yup, the Westside Boys.
The extent to which we discuss about cars goes only like this:
'Hey, this Saturday can use your dad’s car? No? Wah lau, so sad. Nevermind then. We’ll just stay in our territory and lim kopi (drink coffee).’
End of discussion about cars.
There can’t be any more discussion about cars among us. To us, a car is just a metal death trap used for transportation. We never thought of using it as a babe magnet. Girls who like our cars (which none of us own even a seat buckle anyway) more than they like us are not of our desire.
As to women, sure we talk about them, just as women will talk about men. I’m not so silly to put down what we talk about women here. They’re for internal circulation only and I won’t want to ruin my chances of getting a girlfriend.
Seriously, there’re other more solemn topics we touch on. For example, yesterday, we discussed about the recent cholera outbreak in Singapore. Even if it were only because it would affect the choice of where we would be having dinner. We also talk about our impending plans to open our own sugar juice stall. Of course, this plan has been discussed to death and multiple afterlives since it started four years ago. It’s our belief though, someday it may just come true.
We also throw up intelligent questions like why do some maids call their female employer ‘mom’, but male employer ‘sir’ instead of ‘dad’. To clever questions like this, the rest will usually come up with smart diversions so that our intelligence won’t be insulted. If anyone has an answer to this, please feel free to drop it in the comment section.
I believe I’m bringing my point across here quite clearly. I suspect the experience my friend had may be a case of deliberate dumbing down, as in the case of certain women purposely dumbing down in the presence of certain men. For what purpose, you’ll have to ask them.
Of course, my friend quite cleverly included the phrase ‘enclosed space’ in her contention. Nevertheless, space is of no issue here.
For example, be it the enclosed space of a closet, or the relatively open space of under the bed, two adulterers hiding together from the husband of their adulteress will definitely have more to discuss than only cars and women.
Well, enough is said and I shall end here.